Spider-Woman: New Avengers

November 30, 2005

New Avengers 13

The Review:

The Avengers finally face the Silver Samuri and the Hand Assassins. Words are exchanged. Spider-Woman is holding the unconcious Viper. Suddenly Iron-Man fires a concussion blast and most of the Hand Assassins are down but Powerman has an issue with the Silver Samuri and strikes him down. In further discussions, Silver Samuri greets Spider-Woman. As the authorities come, Silver Samuri tells the Avengers to go but Spider-Woman makes a point of taking Viper.

In the Quinjet, Spider-Woman secretly opens the hatch doors for Viper's escape, and at the same time Captain America gets up and gets sucked out of the plane through the open hatch. Spider-Woman yells, "Nnnoooo!" and dives after Captain America. She grabs him between her legs and glides, luckily Iron-Man flies down to rescue both. When they return to the Quinjet, Captain America seems to suspect something with Spider-Woman.

When the Avenger arrive at the Tower, Ronin reveals himself, uh, herself as Maya Lopes, aka Echo. In the morning, Jessica is having breakfast and eating a bowl of Choco Puffs. She greets Captain America and he asks her, So...Who are you working for? Jessica is speechless.

Storyline/Illustration: The storyline conclusion was somewhat anticlimatic, Silver Samuri tells the Avengers to go home. I was expecting a showdown. Instead Iron-Man fires a concussion blast and it's over. As far as the Illustration, Finch, Miki and D'Armata has once again out done themselves. The attention to details on every frame, down to Spider-Woman's glider webs, it truely describes them as "finely spun wings of glistening filaments."

Powers: As far as her power of self powered flight that was insinuated in NA2, this issue clarifies it. Spider-Woman glides, as we see her barely doing with Captain America wrapped between her legs. It was somewhat of a comedic scene.

Cover art courtesy of Marvel.com